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Book Rec: At Home in the World by Tsh Oxenreider

Updated: Jul 31

This book spoke to my soul. Having embarked on my own year of travel, this book captured so many of my thoughts and feelings through the last year. While not traveling with a husband and 3 kids in tow, it reminded me that having a family doesn’t mean the end to wanderlust. And it is possible to continue seeing the world while raising a family.


Book Summary of At Home in the World

book jacket in blue and orange with airplanes and balloons and border around the title

Americans Tsh and Kyle met and married in Kosovo. They lived as expats for most of a decade. They’ve been back in the States—now with three kids under ten—for four years, and while home is nice, they are filled with wanderlust and long to answer the call, so a trip—a nine-months-long trip—is planned.


At Home in the World follows their journey from China to New Zealand, Ethiopia to England, and more. And all the while Tsh grapples with the concept of home, as she learns what it means to be lost—yet at home—in the world.


Discussion Guide

  1. Explore the reasons Tsh and Klye decided to leave the comfort of their home. What do you think motivated their desire to share different cultures and places with their children?

  2. What challenges did Tish and her family face while traveling?

  3. Which destinations stood out the most in the book? Which locale speaks to you the most?

  4. Tsh explores the need for community when traveling. How does community help with homesickness? How does her perspective of home evolve throughout their journey?


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